Sunday, September 29

seam roller + produce rubber band = pennant stamp

This is one of the few projects I have found on a blog that I didn't put my own spin on, though I did use a seam roller I bought at a barn sale, rather than buy a new one.  That felt reclaimed craft-sy.  

This is a great and easy tutorial, but it took me many tries with the roller to get the pennant right, and even then, as you will see below, it's not perfect. Then again, perfect has never really been my preferred vibe.  Only materials are a seam roller and a thick rubber band.  I do love me a sweet pennant.

organic produce!

the contents of an old hardware store? yes, please

The Craigslist ad was so delicious it seemed it couldn't possibly be true:   Lot of (89) Primitive Antique Wood Drawers. One of a kind wood drawers with metal labels, filled with assorted antique hardware and tools.

But true it was, and I took home 4 of my very favorite.  It was no easy task choosing the prettiest boxes with the coolest contents, but I'm pretty sure I did.  Probably the only reason I didn't end up with all 89 is that I drive a Mini.  My barely contained glee rewarded me when they threw in a red painted level and a bunch of tools for free.  It was especially cool to hear that all of my treasures were from a long-shuttered hardware store in Far Rockaway, NY, where my grandmother lived for many years.  I wonder what the owner would think about my excitement over what I assume he considered to be purely utilitarian items, and if he'd find my repurposing clever.  

And that, my friends, makes the hours of walking past bins of plastic shower curtains and tables full of coffee-stained mugs worth every minute.

Thursday, September 26

broccoli, asparagus, note pads. in that order.

These note pads are inspired by this great project.  The reclaimed crafts twist naturally involved scraps of reclaimed barn wood from our good friends at Berkshire Barns and bead board from an 1800's old farmhouse right around the corner from us in downtown Northampton (it was worth the risk we took trolling around the less-than-structurally-sound barn in which it was stored).  Naturally, this was a great opportunity to use more baker's twine (not reclaimed, but let's pretend I scored it from an auction of bakery supplies from a long-defunct bakery, why don't we). Add organic produce bands lovingly collected for me by good friends, and we've got some good looking note pads!  These guys are headed to Knack, which is where you should be heading if you are lucky enough to live in the Happy Valley.

tag sale score
nice alternative to poly

gorgeous paint layers 


Saturday, September 21

coaster workshop at Knack this Wednesday - register now!

The fabulous Knack has opened in artsy, fabulous, newly-hipstered Easthampton and I'll be teaching workshops there!  Seriously, run don't walk.  It's like the most fabulously curated tag sale/flea market/craft supply experience you'll ever have in your life. 

AND ALL OF IT IS RECLAIMED.  Yes, I'm yelling.  It's that cool.

My first workshop is this Wednesday, September 25th from 6-8. We'll create cocktail coasters from upcycled ceramic tiles + vintage fabric. The cutest housewarming present ever.  Or pat yourself on the back for beginning your holiday crafting early. But not that early, the Jews among us:  Hanukkah begins November 27th this year! Hanukkagiving. Thanksukkah.

Register here.

Sunday, September 15

thank you god and the Christmas Tree Shop

I've always had a soft spot for the Christmas Tree Shop, but reclaimed crafts has given me another reason to love the store, in conjunction with god.  Those in the know recognize the Tree's love of all holidays, and in keeping with the name, none is more beloved, and celebrated with the production of utter ugliness, than Christmas.  

These trays eventually find their way to tag sales and the side of the road.  I've never had anyone offer to pay me to take them away, but I feel we may be close.  But they are metal, and nice and sturdy, and the perfect size for serving drinks, food or just displaying your tchotchkes, carefully procured from the Tree. 

non-demoninational, I realize
happy carolers!
the happy couple
where paganism and religion collide
what is produced the other 11 months of the year

But wait!  There is hope for the ugly tray.  Thanks to this great tutorial, some beautiful salvaged maps and my outstanding cutting and mod podging abilities, ugly is now beautiful.  Take a look at these beauties, soon to be for sale at the fabulous Knack:

just look at those adorable sail boats!
a creative riff on the capitol
look closely for the sweet adventurers!

Saturday, September 14

tag sale-ing is not like lawyering

I have had a less than stellar tag sale season.  So much so that I woke up this morning and realized I hadn't even gone on Craigslist or perused the local paper to start my list yet.  

Then I remembered:  tag sale-ing is not like lawyering.  You've got to be zen.  Let go, don't plan, see where the road takes you. Also, why did I forget that the best sales are in the neighboring farm communities where there's more than just a John Deere stashed in that enormous barn?

Seriously beautiful stuff, killer prices.  I'm back in the game. 

instructions included!  circa 1946
the lack of full ball set resulted in
the killer price of $8

it's like a b&b!
vintage ironing board = table or bar
for those who believe reuse should take
no effort whatsoever

where the iron sat
fancy staging, home-grown flowers and
home-made tray
full disclosure:  my mom scored this
awesome bobbin for me at Brimfield,
and the ladder and bald workman
with the hole in his head belong to my son

gorgeous spools = perfect candlesticks
vintage wooden shoe stretchers, $1
E.S.V.'s valise, $4

three of my favorite things, $1/each