Sunday, August 18

big news!

The fabulous Knack has opened in artsy, fabulous, newly-hipstered Easthampton and I'll be teaching workshops there!  Seriously, run don't walk.  It's like the most fabulously curated tag sale/flea market/craft supply experience you'll ever have in your life. 

AND ALL OF IT IS RECLAIMED.  Yes, I'm yelling.  It's that cool.

My first workshop will be Wednesday, September 25th from 6-8. We'll create cocktail coasters from upcycled ceramic tiles + vintage fabric.  The cutest housewarming present ever.  Or pat yourself on the back for beginning your holiday crafting early. But not that early, the Jews among us:  Hanukkah begins November 27th this year! Hanukkagiving.  Thanksukkah.

So, to review:

1.  Go to Knack right away. 
2.  Check out all of artsy Easthampton.
3.  Sign up for my workshop.
4.  Make these...

5.  ...and a drink for Don Draper (season 1).


fun and games with railroad parts

Come on, it's not like I'm out there yanking parts off of the railroad track.  These bits and pieces fall off over the years, and living as I do on the wrong side of the tracks, they are all mine for the taking.  And here's what to do with them:

"tomatoes" in the tomato garden

Gus scored this on our last vacation
(walking on railroad tracks in another state -
now that's a getaway for you)
absolutely perfect size for two tapers

since I know you are incredulous that
after a summer's worth of silence, this is
all I have for you, I present to you my
summer "craft" project - a garden full of heirloom tomatoes