Thursday, February 21

paint chips, GO!

I've been excited about paint chips for many years, and a quick google search (paintchips, diy, repurpose) reveals that I am in excellent company.  I came across today's creation, paint chip matchbook notebooks, on two great blogs (here and here), both of which provide excellent tutorials.  

I added two twists.  Instead of using recycled white paper (which really, as a lawyer, I should be required to do, given how many trees I kill daily), I used pretty paper scraps that I've been hoarding over the years.

Then, instead of sewing or stapling the book shut, I used washi tape, which is both a lovely excuse to use the gorgeous tape I treated myself to, and a way to keep the paper secure without it ripping when you take it out of the book (I'm particular about these kinds of things, see reference to my other profession, above).

gorgeous washi tape
gorgeous washi tape
on Goodwill vase
I'd love to tell you that all the paint chips were left over from various paint jobs around the house (like every other blogger dutifully reports), but instead, I'm going to be honest.  Several years ago, my fellow crafter buddy and I went to town at the big box hardware store (I'd never do this at my local) in advance of our annual holiday craft day, and these are (some of) the leftovers.  So in that sense, they are most certainly recycled.

So will Benny Moore (whose paint I did, in fact, use in my office last year) appreciate my creative upcycling of his paint chips, or will I get a cease and desist letter?  Unclear.

One tip:  cut the washi tape ever so slightly on either side at the top so the chip slides in nicely.  Other than that, it's really as easy and fun as it seems.  I did them all while Gus was napping.  Paint chips, go!

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