Sunday, March 11

reclaiming franklin county

I hope the title doesn't make it sound like I am taking over Franklin County.  I have my hands full with Hampshire.  What I mean to say is that Gus and I had a fabulous day scoring treasure  all over the county.  Truly a perfect day.  

We began at The Lady Killegrew at the Montague Book Mill, the most beautiful building in a fabulous location.  I first fell in love with the mill when I waitressed at the Blue Heron in order to support my lawyering habit.  After a tasty treat there (punctuated with Gus' gleeful (and loud) proclamations, "I farted!") we headed up to LOOT: found and made in the seriously up and coming (maybe it's already arrived, even) Turner's Falls.  I've been dying to visit ever since Liz from sticks and bricks (and other hip Northampton people) told me about it.  TOTALLY AWESOME.  Not only did they have cool stuff from weird places, they were super nice to Gus, and gifted him with a golf player + accessories (see below).  The owner of LOOT pegged us for people who love sweet treats, and sent us to the delicious Second Street Baking Company.  I also noticed Holy Smokes BBQ right next to Loot.  Along with the impossibly hip 'vous, what more could a small city ask for?  

We then headed to Joyful Junque (please disregard the unfortunate name - it could not be less cutesy than it sounds, thank goodness).  There was almost literal dumpster diving involved, and our friend Kate was kind enough to keep an eye on Gus who was himself eyeing the dumpster.  It was really a Gus Day, as he got to sit in Mark's truck when he moved the giant dumpster.  It simply doesn't get any better than that.  Ok, enough.  Check out these scores:

yellow and red box?
yes, thankyouverymuch 
serious yardstick booty
stay tuned for the log-cabin pattern
table with yardsticks - almost done! 
 words of widsdom from the now-defunct SIS bank
these were in the burn pile at JJ (!)
ideas for these most welcome 
my favorite part
the cap even says "balls", in case you forget 
what's in there 
you should have seen Gus' face -
"A present, mommy!"
training to be a businessman who
socializes on the green 

Draper shuttle

Draper shuttle + salvaged bottles =
bud vase

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