Sunday, September 18

vintage wooden croquet balls + saw = photo holder

It's possible I have a basement full of carefully collected vintage wooden croquet sets.  Ok, it's probable.  My husband might confirm it.  And it's time for Twist, the coolest craft fair ever, so I'm starting to repurpose all of those gorgeous mallets and balls.  Croquet balls, not schweddy balls.  Incidentally, has anyone actually been able to purchase this ice cream?  Our friend Dave has scoured the Valley ("Hi, good morning, do you have schweddy balls?"), to no avail. 

I was inspired to get going on some photo holders when I found the perfect wooden bases at one of my glorious tag sales yesterday.  I'm quite certain they served another purpose, but it's as if they were meant to hold up a croquet ball.  I recognize that these photo holders are even better if you happen to have a ridiculously cute picture of your baby to stick in it.

does it look rakish and fun, or just crooked?

love the faded orange paint

coat of poly finishes it off beautifully

Stay tuned for some hat and dishtowel racks with the mallets and the awesome wooden handles I scored yesterday.

And let's not forget these fabulous candlesticks that Liz from sticks and bricks helped me create:

1 comment:

  1. I think the photo holder is neat. Wish you could think of something different for the base of the set. Thanks for sharing
