Friday, August 19

right brain meets left brain: business card holders

Big, exciting changes in my day job include an office move, which means redecoration!  I splurged (but conservatively (wait, is that an oxymoron?), by shopping at the outlet), and bought a gorgeous striped rug.  Then I thought about all of those great yardsticks I've been collecting, and in the time it took for my husband to pick Gus up from school

Gus, looking like he just stepped off of a 
yacht on Nantucket

I made this adorable business card holder:

check out that rotary phone!

And while I was outside, I couldn't help but snap a few pics of the best looking window boxes my porch has ever seen.  The best part about them is they were not the result of my usual obsessing and planning.  Instead, I got to the garden store so late in the season, I had to take the few remaining healthy-looking annuals.  Stuck those in, then added some gorgeous zinnias from the Florence Farmer's Market, and voila - zen window boxes!

this is actually an old sap bucket I found 
by the side of the road in the hilltowns, sitting atop
a cool old chair scored from a tag sale

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